Sunday 9 August 2009

Day 105 - in the swing

Firmly getting back into the swing of exercising again with a long bike ride. I had no problems after yesterday's run, and it is feeling great to be able to just break into a trot without a stabbing pain. Today was a bit of preparation for biking in Ireland, but a three hour cycle on a relatively flat London loop of the Royal Parks and east London is not quite as taxing as the much longer and much more varied terrain that awaits in Co. Cork and Co. Kerry. Still, decent enough work out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cugs. Haven't looked at your blog for a while and had no idea you were injured. What a shame! An impressive half marathon time though! Have you tried swimming. A brilliant very low impact form of excercise and keeps your fitness up. If you're worried about muscle wastage, you can lift some leg weights in the gym. Good luck.
