Sunday, 31 January 2010

Day 277 - Friday night and I'm alright

Type - Steady run

Distance - 5 miles

Time - 39 minutes 14 seconds

It had been a long and tiring week, at and outside of work. This was to be a test of (a) whether I wanted to train come what may and (b) whether running was the best way to shake off the stresses and strains of everyday life.

Fortunately it was yes to both. Ultimately I did want to run, even thought it might squeezing in five miles after finishing work and before going on to a birthday party. And yes after a couple of miles, the crisp winter air and pounding, uplifting house on the iPod I felt my cares wash away, float down the river and out of sight.

For some reason I had a strong urge to vary my usual river run. Perhaps doing the same loops repeatedly is not as good for the soul as trying different runs. The only difficulty with different runs is that in central London his can mean toying with traffic. This time I incorporated a two mile loop around St Pauls and down to Ludgate Circus which varied the run and meant I only had to get to Westminster and back.

It was a decent five miles, solid training and mentally rewarding.

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