Saturday, 24 April 2010

Day 361 - London Marathon

Type - race

Distance - 26.2 miles

Time - ???

Coming soon.

Day 358 - 359 - Registration

Registering at the London Marathon Expo at the ExCEL Centre. Finished work at 6pm and headed east with Jarlath to pick up my registration details and have a look round the running exhibitions. Pretty big set up, very efficient and registered in no time. Had a look round the stands, saw lots of things that I could easily spend a lot of money on, a lot of events that I would love to go and do and left happy that I didn't have to do all this tomorrow!

Day 360 - ultimate rest

Doing very little today except making sure everything is in place for the big day! Pinned the running number onto my vest, got all my running clothes out ready and tested, fastened the chip to my shoe laces, drank a lot of water and ate a lot of pasta.

Ready for tomorrow.

Bring it on!

Day 357 - last training run

Type - steady run

Distance - 5 miles

Time - 42 minutes 48 seconds

Last training run before the London Marathon. This is it - a year's training culminates in this pretty average, pretty steady run. Nice!

Day 356 - taper run

Type - steady run

Distance - 6 miles

Time - 50 minutes 51 seconds

Steady training run. Getting pretty nervous about next weekend's event!

Day 356 - rest

Tapering and rest!

Day 355 - Preston running

Type - steady run

Distance - 5 miles

Time - 43 minutes 29 seconds

Little run in Preston in the lovely Spring-time sun.